Thursday 14 July 2022

Fun in the sun

This week we took full advantage of the seasonal weather during our PE session. We played games involving water, including 'Over and under' and 'Drip, drip, drench'. The children had a fabulous time working as a team and cheering on their friends! The children concluded their afternoon with a water fight. As you will see from our photos, the children certainly had lots of fun!

Friday 8 July 2022

When the circus came to town!

 This week the children of Lions Class were fortunate to receive some circus training. The kind people from Circus Ferrel have been teaching all of the children across our Swallowtail federation a variety of  circus skills. It was our turn this morning! The children walked the tightrope, spun plates, juggled with scarves, tried their hand at poi spinning and also practised with the diablos.

I was so proud of the children's engagement and enthusiasm for all of the activities. They demonstrated true resilience when trying to perfect their skills.

Fun in the sun

This week we took full advantage of the seasonal weather during our PE session. We played games involving water, including 'Over and und...