Thursday 24 March 2022

Trip to the Dinosaur Park

 This week the children of Lion's class visited the Dinosaur Park in Lenwade. A truly wonderful day was had by all. We began our day searching for dinosaurs in the lost world before heading out onto the dinosaur trail, where the children discovered more prehistoric creatures. We discussed which were carnivores, omnivores or herbivores and how big the would have grown to be. The children also enjoyed the assault course and even set themselves their own challenges to complete.

We went to the theatre to watch a short animated film in the afternoon before going on to look at the animals in the secret garden. The children were able to apply their geographical knowledge and explain which continent each of the different animals originated from. We concluded our afternoon by becoming palaeontologists, uncovering a variety of fossils.

Sunday 20 March 2022

We are scientists

 Within our science learning, the children have been identifying how humans can keep healthy. As part of this we considered the importance of a balanced diet and the different food groups shown on the eatwell plate. We went on to discuss how many portions of fruit and vegetables should be eaten daily. The children talked about their favourite fruits. We explored the texture and taste of a variety of fruits before the children then created fruit kebabs from the selection of fruits we had.   

On Wednesday the children were invited to come into school dressed in blue and yellow, to raise money for the people of Ukraine. 

Fun in the sun

This week we took full advantage of the seasonal weather during our PE session. We played games involving water, including 'Over and und...