Thursday 16 June 2022

We are mathematicians!

 In our maths learning this week Lions Class have been identifying units of measure for time. The children have been estimating, measuring and recording the length of time that particular activities take. They have identified which is the most suitable unit of measure to use and have also worked on comparing and ordering the times that they have recorded.

Poor Mrs Gilbert's tough tray clock was all in a muddle! The children were able to apply their learning of telling the time from the previous week to help put it back in order. The children then went on to enjoy testing their friends on their knowledge of telling the time to the hour and half hour.

Tuesday 7 June 2022

We are geographers

 Within our geography learning this week the children of Lions' Class have been looking at compass direction. We took our learning outside and, armed with directions and compasses, the children were able to navigate a walk around the village, recording landmarks that we saw along the way.

Fun in the sun

This week we took full advantage of the seasonal weather during our PE session. We played games involving water, including 'Over and und...