Tuesday 23 November 2021

Learning in Lions’ Class

Lions have had a busy few weeks with Mrs Moore! We received a parcel containing a letter from the Jolly Postman and a copy of his book “The Jolly Postman or Other People’s Letters”, our new core text by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. The children were fantastic at finding clues as to who the parcel could be from. They have been reading the different letters that the Jolly Postman delivered and have even written their own letters, as Baby Bear writing to Goldilocks!

In maths year 1 having been subtracting and finding the difference. Year 2 have continued with adding and subtracting with tens and ones.

In art we have been looking at some paintings by the Austrian artist Hundertwasser. Some of us loved the paintings and some of us didn’t. We all did some fantastic reasoning, giving clear reasons for our opinions. We carefully sketched the shapes we could see and then thought about adding colours using different types of paint and different surfaces to paint on too, just like Hundertwasser did. Our finished versions will be revealed next week!

Friday 19 November 2021

One Kind Word for Anti-Bullying Week

 We may have been light-on-the-ground in our class this week, but we still had a great time learning and thinking about how to make our school an even better place!

This week was the National Anti-Bullying week. This year, the theme was centred around to concept of how 'one kind word' can make all the difference to someone's day!  After unpicking what bullying is, why it happens and what we can do about it, we thought about how we can pick someone up anytime with a simple compliment or kind action.  The children traced their hands and wrote or drew a picture to symbolise this theme.  Our wreath to celebrate kindness is on the wall in our classroom!

Year 2 had some tricky Maths work this week, learning to add 2 digit numbers that cross ten. Learning to exchange ones for tens took a lot of reasoning and resilience, but they all worked their socks off!  Way to go Year 2! 

The Year 1 children worked really hard on their handwriting this week and we're very proud of them too!

We hope to see so many of our friends back to school next week.  Have a restful weekend everyone,

Mrs. Pell & Mrs. Moore

Friday 12 November 2021

Maths Mystery and RE

 We have had a fun end to a busy week in our class!  We worked together as a class to solve the Maths Mystery:  Who was the Bonfire Night marshmallow muncher?  Everyone worked on a variety of different maths puzzles to solve the 5 clues.  We put our results together and eliminated all but one of the suspects!  Way to go Lions!

In RE we thought about how people prepare for and look after a new baby.  Then we talked about how baby Jesus was just like us when He was born... but Christians believed He was special because He was the Son of God!

Have a super weekend Lions!


Thursday 4 November 2021

Our Trip to Gressenhall

On Wednesday, Lions’ Class enjoyed a wonderful trip to Gressenhall Museum. After a long and foggy bus ride the children were excited to start exploring the museum and find out about homes in the past.

First we met Mrs Clackett who showed us how to make tea and drop scones. The children noticed many things about her kitchen that were different to their kitchens at home, including the range cooker, heated by wood! They then explored the shops, school room and main museum before the sun came out just in time for a picnic lunch.

The children made the most of the opportunities to talk about the changing weather and seasons too and had great fun playing in a huge pile of fallen autumn leaves.

After lunch we safely and sensibly crossed the road to the farm where they got involved with scrubbing, dusting and washing clothes; all done the old-fashioned way! We talked about the differences made by having no electricity. Everyone enjoyed having a go of the water pump. It was very tricky but we all managed to get some water into the buckets!

The children we responsible and respectful throughout our visit and we are very proud of them! We are excited to carry on with our history topic back at school next week.

Fun in the sun

This week we took full advantage of the seasonal weather during our PE session. We played games involving water, including 'Over and und...