Thursday 24 February 2022

We are mathematicians!

 What a fabulous first week back the children of Lions class have had!

As mathematicians the children in Year 1 have been representing, partitioning and comparing numbers up to 100. They have been fantastic at making effective use of the resources in our room to help them with their learning. 


The Year 2 children have become statisticians, recording their data using tally charts and representing their information with pictograms. They have also worked on interpreting data from graphs; identifying most and least popular, total amounts and the differences between two amounts.

All of the children have blown Mrs Gilbert's socks off with their excellent reasoning skills and fantastic use of mathematical vocabulary!

Thursday 3 February 2022

We are palaeontologists!

 Within our history learning this week, the children of Lions Class have become palaeontologists studying fossils. We have discussed the different types of fossils, what they show us and the prehistoric evidence they provide. The children were lucky enough to handle and explore a range of fossils that have been found on our local beaches. 

We thought it would be exciting to recreate our very own fossils. Utilising pasta, glue and shells, the children have managed to make their own unique versions which we hope to excavate when they are fully fossilised!

Tuesday 1 February 2022

Another busy week!

 The children of Lions Class have continued to explore the life of Mary Anning this week, linking it to both our English and history learning. The children have been working hard at drafting and editing their fact files about the famous palaeontologist. We look forward to sharing our final pieces of work with you all next week. They have also paid consideration as to why she was such an important figure in history and have drawn some fabulous portraits of Mary.

The children have spent time being creative this week. We have been decorating our Go Go T-Rex in readiness for it going on display, as part of the trail around Norwich, later in the year. The children have also enjoyed getting crafty within their forest school session on Friday.

Within our PSHE learning we have considered who is responsible for looking after our planet and what we can do to look after our local environment. We have used songs and interactive sorting games to support our knowledge and understanding of 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'.

Fun in the sun

This week we took full advantage of the seasonal weather during our PE session. We played games involving water, including 'Over and und...